Thursday, August 9, 2012

Go Team !!! Go Canada !!!

                                                                     Go Canada
Few things can capture my attention like the Olympic Games can.So many dreams and moments fueled by desire, passion and determination. One of my favorite quotes of all time is " Winners are ordinary people with extraordinary determination". I have seen and been inspired by people embodying this quote 13 days in a row now. It isn't the norm, it isn't easy and it certainly isn't for everyone.But that is what the Olympics can offer. A venue for special people to showcase there extraordinary talents, there extraordinary abilities and there extraordinary heart.
 Three races that were full of exrtaordinary determination and heart were those of Adam VanKoeverdan, Emillie Fournel and Mark Oldershaw.

Four events that promise to hold just as many extraordinary moments are going to get started this "evening" or morning depending on where you live. I can't wait to see Hughes Fournel, Ryan Cochrane, Jason McCombs, Mark De Jonge and Emillie Fournel race for Canada. Sending all my speed vibes and positivity across the pond.

GO TEAM !!!!!!!!